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Blog / 28 Sep 2019

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Invest in India


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Invest in India

Topic: Invest in India


  • Jayant Dasgupta, (Former Secretary, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister)
  • Banuchandar Nagarajan, (Former Consultant, The World Bank, Washington DC)
  • A.K. Bhattacharya, (Editorial Director, Business Standard)

Topic Description:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday invited global businesses to invest in India, saying historic reduction in corporate tax rates by his government creates a golden opportunity and promised more measures to improve business climate. Speaking at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum, the Prime Minister said India offers a golden opportunity for investment in the country. "If you want to invest in a market where there is scale, come to India... If you want to invest in start-ups with a huge market, come to India ... If you want to invest in one of the world's largest infrastructure ecosystem, come to India," he told global corporates. PM Modi also listed the '4D factors' - Democracy, Demography, Demand and Decisiveness, that makes India reliable and a unique destination for investors. Earlier this month, the government had reduced the effective corporate tax rate to 25.17 per cent from nearly 35 per cent, thus bringing India at par with major global economies on taxation front.

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Courtesy: RSTV